Monday, March 30, 2009

CAK Booster Bash

On March 7th, Tony was invited to speak at our school's Booster Bash along with John McCready an Olympic Gymnast who happens to live in Crossville, TN.  It was an Olympic themed night with lots and lots of silent auction items.  We almost won a skybox for 6 people for a football game this coming fall but got outbidded at the last minute.  The food was great but the speakers were even better...the best part of the night if you ask me...HA HA!!  

1 comment:

cjnsmom said...

I have been trying to sign in to follow your blog and it is giving me a VERY hard time..I am going to keep on trying though:)

love you and love your pic's. Hope we can all get together soon. Chad REALLY needs some good Christian male friends!