Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Monday, April 28, 2008
“The king is enthralled by your beauty; honor him, for he is your Lord.” Psalm 45:11
Have you ever looked in the mirror at crazy hair? Frustrated. Aggravated. Tense. You swear you’re not going to resign to the bad hair day; instead, you put on a hat.
Or, as you looked out the window you glare into gloomy, cold weather and realize you need some kind of protection for your head and decide—it’s a hat day.
In the past, the “hat” was used by women as an indicator of social status. In biblical times, the hat was worn in the synagogues by the Scribes and the Pharisees and other religious personnel in accordance to their laws. Often the word “hat” is used as a metaphor referring to the different roles we have as women, like the “hat” of motherhood or the “hat” of being a wife. In this devotional, I want you to view the hat as a covering used to hide what you do not want others to see.
Many times, we as women feel the need to cover up our imperfections and flaws in order to be accepted by others and succeed in life. God says the exact opposite in His Word! Just listen to His unconditional love, “But the LORD said to Samuel, ‘Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart’” (1 Samuel 16:7). God simply wants us to come to Him, just as we are… broken, sinful, and imperfect. So celebrate ladies, and take those HATS OFF!
Dear Heavenly Father, I praise you and thank you for creating me. Thank you for loving me just the way I am. I am sorry when I feel inferior and flawed because I know that this hurts your heart. Help me to see myself through your loving eyes today and always. Amen.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Out to dinner with friends
Monday, April 21, 2008
Mason and Baker's Dedication
Is it Naptime yet?
The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in him.” Nahum 1:7
Can you imagine going through life without sleep? We capture a glimpse of what life without sleep is like when our children are first born and have not yet adapted to this world. However, the sleep deprivation experienced at first is usually reconciled when our children are about three to four months old, or for some unfortunate parents, when their children are 18 years of age. Psalm 121:3-5, “He will not let your foot slip, He who watches over you will not slumber; indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. The LORD watches over you; the LORD is your shade at your right hand….”
But imagine a God who constantly watches over us and sees what is happening in our lives—that’s who He is! “He will not let your foot slip… He is your shade at your right hand.” Wow! A God who cares about what happens to us… to you. It is such a relief to know that even when we do finally get the sleep we need at night, or that wonderful Sunday afternoon nap, God is still awake… taking complete and total care of all our needs. What a wonderful God we serve!
Dear Lord, it is so comforting to know that you are in control all of the time. Thank you for watching out for me and for your unending protection. You are amazing! Help me to rest in your arms all day long. Amen.
Baker rolling over
Monday, April 14, 2008
Hands are an interesting addition to the body. They come in all different shapes, sizes and even colors. Hands have many uses as well. They can be used for picking things up, for cleaning (yes, the “C” word), for cooking, for comfort and also for discipline, just to name a few. Hands can also have many misuses as well, like in cases of abuse and violence. There are young hands and old hands. Smooth hands and wrinkled hands. Calloused hands and bony hands.
When we look to Jesus in the Bible, His hands are always bringing about good. In His ministry on Earth, Jesus used His hands to heal the sick, to comfort those who needed comforting, to work in His father’s carpentry shop, to hold and teach children, and to confront sin present in the moneychangers at the temple gates. In Isaiah 49, Jesus makes it clear that He loves and cares for each of us by reminding us that He will never forget us. We have been engraved on His precious hands! In the engraving process, the desired figure or artwork is burned into the product in order to make a lasting impression that cannot be removed. He… remembers… us… always! I love that about God.
We are on His hands! Notice I said, “on,” and not just “in.” We so often hear that we are in His hands but, today, claim His promise that you cannot be removed!
Dear Lord, thank you for dying for me on the cross so long ago. Thank you that I can have salvation forever by believing in you. I am so happy to know that I am forever on your hands and not just in your hands. Use my hands today to direct someone to you! Amen.