Monday, July 12, 2010

Spring Break Trip to Balitmore, MD

For Spring Break this year we by-passed another Disney Cruise (so sad I know) and packed up the kids for a road trip to the North! I really believe we were the only crazy people that headed North instead of South for Spring Break. My mom and step dad will be retiring in the fall so we went to help them START the packing & cleaning process. We also went to the B & O Railroad museum which the boys LOVED and the Baltimore Harbor and the Aquarium. Although we worked ourselves to death, a lot was accomplished, we had a BLAST, now just please PRAY that they sell their house soon!!!!

Helping my mom pack the house

No folks.....there will be NO Bay Cosey arriving soon in this house. These are M & M's that my friend Jamie used at my baby shower for Baker and she has kept them all this time. Isn't it so cute to see his hands holding those little pieces of candy?
What a blessing!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was a fantastic week and thanks to you and Tony for helping us get started on the moving process!! Love, Mom