Sunday, June 07, 2009

Another Sleepover

Taylor, Mason, Anna Claire, Grace and Whit

Strike a pose......

Nothing better than a big dirt pile for the boys to play in

Mason and Whit watching a movie...and please notice the zoo at Mason's head...why?

So cute!!!

Even Cuter!!!!

Track Stars

Last week the kids started a track program.  I knew Taylor was gonna love it...but Mason?  That was the question.  He has been bugging us since the fall to run track so we signed them up. Even before it started he and Taylor would constantly run circles in our cul-de-sac pretending to run laps.  I couldn't help to wonder how Mason was gonna do because we have tried every sport known to man except underwater basket weaving...which wouldn't surprise me if he liked ha! Anyway, I knew Mason was serious when a few weeks ago he got the sidewalk chalk out and made numerous circles in the driveway...once again pretending to be a track.  This is when I really began to he following in his daddy's footsteps?  Well the first practice arrived and I think you can tell from the video below just how much Mason enjoyed it.  I hope to get video of Taylor at our next practice.  **Please turn off the music at the bottom when viewing the video.

Splash Pad Fun!

Not much to say about this day except we just needed to get out of the house and do something different.  Baker was having an absolute blast until he started running and collided with another kid.  Somehow I caught the whole thing on camera (notice the post-collision in the second picture).  I must have pushed the camera button in a panic!  After a few tears, they both started playing again.  We knew it was time to go as soon as the 2 buses loaded with day care kids showed up!  Need I say more?


Wednesday, June 03, 2009


My sweet friend Sarah, went to be with the Lord yesterday, June 2, 2009.  She was a fantastic mother to 3 precious children and loved the Lord.  Our family is devastated at the tragic loss of such a close friend.  Please keep Sarah's children and family in your prayers daily as this is a very hard time for them. The only hope I have in all this right now is the fact that I know she is with our Heavenly Father today and for eternity! 

**The family requests that in lieu of flowers, charitable donations be made to: 
First Baptist Church of Concord 
VERY IMPORTANT: Please write "Sarah McDonald Childrens' Trust" in the MEMO section
11704 Kingston Pike, Knoxville, TN 37922

Tuesday, June 02, 2009


What can I say?  This is my FAVORITE picture of the two of them together.  I love it now that Mason can read.  Baker loves it when Mason takes time to read to him.  What sweet brotherly love!! I just hope it always stays that way.

Sleepover and Lake Fun!

Last weekend Mason wanted his friend Tripp from school to spend the night so he did.  It was a no-brainer since Taylor was actually spending the night out.  So I guess you could say it was a boys night!  We took them to Chick-fil-A for dinner then took them to the new movie UP! I'm pretty sure they ate 2 lbs of candy each.  The boys had a blast playing together after we got home and actually slept in a little the next morning...thank goodness!  We went and picked Taylor up and then headed to the lake.  Tripp actually lives on the lake so we just took him home by boat...weird putting a suitcase on the boat...never done that before.  Nor have I ever taken a kid home by boat lol!  Anyway, we stayed and swam at their house for awhile then stayed out for another few hours.  It was a very relaxing and fun!  Baker was GREAT! And although he didn't nap on the boat he never cried or long as he had his TRAINS!

Baker's Masterpiece

I have no idea why this picture wouldn't rotate????

Crazy Man!

Out cold!

Out Cold!

Out Cold!

Field Day at Cak for Taylor & Mason